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Marilyn LesliePersonal Story from Marilyn Leslie

In 2001, I went to work for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the Medical Department, one of my work task was preparing employees medical records for Energy Employee Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICP) request from Department of Labor (DOL).

In 2004 I went to work for the Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) California Resource Center for 13 years where I informed potential claimants of the filing requirements and available benefits under the EEOICP program and provided assistance and information to EEOICPA claimant community. Then I prepared the necessary claim forms either in person or over the telephone required for filing through the EEOICP program. Next I would provide guidance about the claims process and understanding the information being sought in Department of Labor development letters, explain the means by which such information may be obtained, and assist claimant’s in obtaining evidence.

Some of my achievements was becoming a Medical Bill Pay Specialist assisting Claimants and providers with any billing issues or pharmacy claims. I assisted Claimants with out of pocket expenses for reimbursements and work directly with all pharmacies nationwide whenever Claimant’s medications were denied for payment thus solving medication issues with pharmacies. Generally, incoming calls are from claimants (or their AR) seeking claim status or guidance, or from potential claimants seeking program information and guidance regarding the claims process

In 2008 I was one of the Medical Provider Enrollment Representatives assisting all medical and non- medical providers on how to enroll in EEOICP (i.e. assist with preparing their applications and educating about the benefits of enrolling in the EEOICPA program). During my career working at the Resource Center I was able to enroll UCSF, Stanford Medical Facility and Kaiser Permanente among many others. Today, three Kaiser regions (Northern, Southern and Oregon) are enrolled in the program from my assistance in understanding the program and the benefits of being providers for EEOICPA. These enrollments benefitted the Claimants in many ways such as no copayments or deductibles. Any and all medical treatments, medications, medical supplies related to the accepted condition are paid by EEOICPA.

In 2017, I retired from the DEEOIC California Resource Center and started with Hallway Healthcare, Inc. as Resource Liaison where I can continue to educate and guide claimants and potential claimants with the filing process, medical bills/documentation, and to navigate the Department of Labor system. In addition, I am able to educate and assist claimants who have been approved through the program on needed medical services (i.e. nursing care, PT/OT/ST, DME) covered under Department of Labor at no cost to the claimant.

It has been my great pleasure and an indescribable honor to serve EEOCIP claimants that have given their health to protect our beautiful country!

Call me at 925-452-8745 with any needed help with:

  • Medical Services needed
    • Nursing Care
    • PT/OT/ST
    • Medical Equipment/DME
  • Unpaid Medical Bills/Documentation needed
  • Unpaid Pharmaceutical Prescription/Documentation needed
  • Filing Claims/Claims Process/Consequential Diagnosis
  • Navigation of Department of Labor
  • Understanding/Guidance with:
    • Part B
    • Part E
    • Special Exposure Cohort
    • “At least as likely as not”
    • DOE/Work Records/ Period of Covered Employment
    • Medical Records
    • Dose Reconstruction (DR)/ Probability of Causation/ NIOSH
    • Recommended Decision/ Final Decision/Final Adjudication Branch
    • Ombudsman/Advisory Board
    • Impairment

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